Tuesday, December 5, 2006

Md. Mahbub Alam

Student Planner
COX Richardson Architects and Planners (COX Group, Sydney)
MURP Student
Department of Urban and Regional Planning
Faculty of Architecture
The University of Sydney

Alam’s experience as an ‘Urban Planner’ in COX Group since 2006. He has knowledge of planning and development in several public and private sector projects as well as responsible for the analysis of Metropolitan Strategic Policies. Along with his job as a ‘Student Urban Planner’, he is also studying Master of Urban and Regional Planning in The University of Sydney.

马哈姆 阿拉姆
Tel: +612 8714 8072
Mobile: +61 425297132, +61 425298072
E-mail: mala7374@mail.usyd.edu.au
Sanzida Zaman

Sanzida has recently finished her undergraduate degree in Urban and Regional Planning. Currently she is studying as a MURP student in The University of Sydney. Previously she has worked as a ‘Junior Urban Planner’ cum ‘GIS Associate’ in Property Development Ltd. Within the working period she has coordinated physical features, land use, topographic survey and accumulated the collected data. Moreover, she has supervised the preparation of the map with GIS and has assisted the team leader on preparing the plan. At present she is working as a surveyor for the city of Sydney floor space and employment survey
萨吉达 扎曼

Mobile: +612 433884076
E-mail: szam8581@mail.usyd.edu.au